Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our first art quilt project has been distributed to the artists!

Hello my stitch friends!  We have officially begun our first art quilt project.  Six brave souls decided to each take part in our project called..."Petals of perfection".  They have each been given a section of the picture below to produce in whatever art form they desire and to the specifications set.  They will each bring their completed part of the art quilt to our March guild meeting (Tami~I know you will be holding a sweet little baby at that time...just bring your project to the May meeting).  It will be a fun time seeing how they all come together.  I will then piece them together and we should have a wonderful small art quilt.  The group will decide what is to come of the quilt.  I would like to see the projects for the first year be shared for viewing in the next quilt show our guild holds.  After that, the group pieces may be auctioned off at the mini quilt auction.  Individual pieces we produce will belong to the artist who makes them.

This is the original picture used for this project. 

Please feel free to comment at any time, we welcome your interest.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

WELCOME to the Rock Creek Art Quilters!

Welcome to the Rock Creek Art Quilters (RCAQ)! This is a brand new group formed as a focus group under the umbrella of our mother group~The Rock Creek Quilters of Fairbury, Nebraska.

This blog will be the home and sounding board of RCAQ. We will meet here, discuss projects here, discuss interesting tidbits, frustrations and victories in the world of art quilting. This may take on many forms, include different people from time to time and hopefully will be interesting to all. Since we are all so busy with life but still want to create, we will only hold physical meetings together a couple of times a year...the rest of our meetings will be virtual meetings done right here.

We will be working on several projects per year and everyone is welcome to play. I will be introducing our first project at the January Rock Creek Quilt Guild meeting so everyone will be included and can think about it. Then through the month of January will meet here on the blog to discuss the project. There will be a projected complete date~probably about three months after we begin. The completed projects will be digitally photographed and pictures posted here for all to see and enjoy. Pictures taken throughout the process of the project will be most welcome as well! The completed project will be presented to the mother guild quarterly so anyone not following along on the blog can see what we are doing~it is also fun to see the actual projects in person.

This is to be a fun group to belong stress beyond the quarterly completion date. If you find that you just can't keep up right now or lose interest or want to join in at a later date...all is good...this is just for fun and the pure joy of creating.

Once we are up and running I would like input as to what projects the group might like to do...this could include anything you want...fabric dying, crazy quilting, stitch painting, embellishments, group projects, individual projects, themed projects, whatever!

In the mean time, keep creating! And see you at guild January 18.
